SOAR Fitness 2017 Summer Schedule

Tues May 30 – August 19

Dates can be adjusted per school schedule

Class Schedule

Monday – Friday   -    NO PM classes on Fridays

9am  -  1030 High school varsity/ college

1030am  -12 - Middle school

3PM -430–open

430Pm -630  open

545- 630   -  Youth class  - ages 9 - 11

630 - 8PM – open

Saturdays  -   9 am and 1030 class depending on availability


2x per week is the minimum required amount of training for an athlete 12 years or older.   All sessions include full warmup up, sprint or agility training, jump training based on progression and individualized strength and power training.


Call Mike at 614-306 -9364 or the gym line at 614-573-8488 to discuss pricing options and policies in detail.